Dear Beloved,

We trust this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. We are thrilled to extend a warm and heartfelt invitation to you as a first-time visitor to Glory House to register and join our upcoming Believers Class.

At Glory House, we believe in nurturing spiritual growth and providing a supportive community. Our Believers Class is designed with you in mind, offering a welcoming environment where you can explore GH’s foundational principles of Instruction, Impartation, Discipleship and Deployment, ask questions, and deepen your understanding of God’s word.

Here are the details of the Believers Class which will take place over a 4 weeks period and not more than 1 hour a week

During these classes, you will have the opportunity to:


📖 Learn the Basics: Our experienced facilitators will cover essential topics like New Creation Realities, knowing Glory House, Christian Devotion and Disciplines and Effective living.


Ask Questions: Feel free to bring any questions or uncertainties you may have about Christianity. Our goal is to provide a safe non-judgemental space for you to seek answers.


🔗Connect with Others: You’ll meet fellow newcomers who are on a similar path of discovery, building meaningful connections and friendships within our church community.


🔍Discover Your Next Steps: We will discuss various ways you can continue to grow in your faith, such as joining smaller cell groups, exploring the various church departments you could volunteer in, participating in community service, and getting involved in church events.

To confirm your attendance or if you have any questions, please contact us at or register using this link


We believe that you are a valuable addition to our church family, and we are excited to see how God continues to work in your life.

Thank you for your interest to register, and we look forward to seeing you at the GH Believers Class. May God bless you abundantly as you continue to seek His presence and purpose in your life.

Warm regards,


Glory House Training Team