Feb. 12th The Conduct Of Faith
Bible Reading: Rom. 12:2
1 Sam. 2:3 ‘talk no more so very proudly; let no arrogance come from your mouth, for the Lord is the God of knowledge; and by Him actions are weighed’
Faith is to behave the Word to become what God says. Many do not experience God’s ‘blessings’ because they fail to ‘behave’ God’s Word. God weighs actions to measure out blessings. Your ‘conduct’ is registered by heaven.
Believe it; behave it and then become it! Until you behave the Word you cannot become it. God reads actions more than emotions to determine how He responds to prayers. Let your countenance indicate where you believe you are going.
‘You shall be the head…’ so behave like the head. Jesus ‘has made us kings and priests…’ so behave like royalty. ‘By His stripes you are healed’ so behave like a healthy person and ‘with long life He shall satisfy…’ so be youthful and vibrant. Whatever the Word says about you, behave it. Deut. 28:13; Rev. 5:10; 1 Pt. 2:24; Ps. 91:16
Whenever the bible dictates conduct the person is walking in faith. Behave as a triumphant believer and give God praise. Behave prosperity and sow into the Kingdom. Be wise and consistently pattern you conduct after the scriptures.
i. Ask God for wisdom and effective strategies for rapid progress and promotion Jam. 1:5; Eccl. 10:10
ii. Pray for heavenly strategies for increase, enlargement and exploits for leaders Prov. 2:6-7; 3:13; 16:16
Thought for the day:
Make God, people, angels and devils see daily faith-conduct.