
Two weeks before Christmas, I was eating peanuts in bed and thought I had lost one down my blouse but it turned out to be a lump in left breast. I was terrified and begged God not to confirm my thoughts. The doctor was concerned and transferred me to the Breast Cancer Unit for a…


Have You Told People About Jesus

While waiting for his roommate (who keeps late night), a man fell asleep. He turned around to see aa huge dark figure with flaming eyes open his door.   He wanted to scream but all his strength was gone. Was it a dream or vision? He couldn’t tell. It stared deep into his eyes and…


Guidelines to Raising Godly Children

Guidelines to Raising Godly Children by Pastor Alfredo (Glory House Brazil)   Introduction: Raising children is not easy, but possible. For this reason, parents need to be diligent in examining their walking with Christ and take on this difficult assignment. The raising of children is an issue that should be discussed and planned way before…


Greater Dimensions 2016 Prayer and Fasting

GLORY HOUSE CHURCHES INTERNATIONAL Greater Dimensions Gen. 26:13-14 Download Prayer Points Wednesday • Give thanks to God for His goodness, load of benefits, steadfast love and mercies for your past & future. Ps. 107:1; Ps. 103:3 • Present yourself to God for cleansing & moulding for His greater purposes in 2016. Rom. 12:1-2; Ps. 51:10-12…


God turned my situation around

I want to testify about God’s goodness and favour and how He turned my situation around for good. He gave me a new song in my heart, so I can sing Hallelujah to His glorious Name. It started in October 2013. I had gone back to school hoping to change my career path and to…


God blessed my family!

Praise God, Hallelujah! I bless God for the way He has intervened in my affairs and family. Though the year has been challenging, God has also filled it with numerous pleasant surprises and blessings that diminished all the challenges. Just to highlight and appreciate God for some of the blessings; few weeks ago, my younger…


Go Forward – March Prayer Points

GO FORWARD PRAYER POINTS Exodus 14:15 1. Thank God for enlarged territory and answered prayers. Declare joyful and peaceful forward march. Deut. 10:21; Is. 54:2-3; Is. 55:12 2. Pray against any delay and opposition to the move. Ask for favour with all men (authorities, professionals etc) for a quick and unhindered possession and transition. Jos.…


Friday: Intellectual & Emotional Growth

DAILY ‘POWER’ CONFESSIONS ‘I have the wisdom of God and I reign in life. I am committed to diligent and purposeful use of my time in intellectual activities. I study the Word of God and other destiny and assignment facilitating material. I passionately pursue knowledge and understanding.   I am a faithful steward of time.…


Friday The Secret Of Sowing July

Friday The Secret Of Sowing God gives me bread for food and also seed to sow. The Lord always multiplies my giving and increases the fruit of my righteousness. I sow with joy, faith, thanksgiving, consistency and love. I receive a hundred-fold return of God’s increase. Ps. 118:15; Jam. 4:7
