Mar. 3rd Thanks; Thanksgiving; Thankfulness
Bible Reading: Ps. 92:1; Ps. 100:4
Ps. 103:1-2
‘bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy name!
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits’
Thanksgiving is an attitude of appreciation and gratitude towards God. By heavens protocol, thanksgiving precedes praise. Only those who are truly thankful can give acceptable praise. Thanksgiving is the easiest and cheapest way to win life’s battles and is the secret of overcomers.
Thanks, thanksgiving and thankfulness make the devil go crazy, add glory to Christianity and command life to respond and respect believers. They are not religious outward ‘shows’ but must emanate from the within the heart
Until thanksgiving takes root in your heart it will not bear fruit in your life. If you want God to pay attention to your payers, be mindful of His past and present deeds in your life and thank Him heartily and consistently
Bombard heaven with thanksgiving and praise. Don’t inundate the Throne with ‘needs’ but saturate it with ‘gratitude’. Consciously and constantly take stock of God’s blessings and goodness then recite them to God. It will change your life.
• Ask for seeing eyes, anointed ears and an understanding heart to indentify and embrace divine opportunities. Mat. 13:44-46.
• Unpretentious and sincere love among brethren and towards none believers. 1 Pt. 1:22
Thought for the day:
It is both carnal and easy to complain than to be grateful.